Carta della Montagna Bianca – the White Mountain Card
A document for the development of winter tourism in Italy: this is the Carta della Montagna Bianca, created during the Stati Generali del Turismo Montano meeting, held during the 2017 edition of Skipass. The project brought together in Modena the main representatives of the regions with a vocation for winter tourism, as well as some of the key stakeholders in the sector to reflect and compare on ten key points of snow tourism, with the aim of providing the public/private system with the best tools for the correct planning of the touristic development of the Italian winter mountainside.
The Carta della Montagna Bianca was presented by Skipass Panorama Turismo, the Italian Mountain Tourism Observatory promoted by ModenaFiere, with the support of Isabella De Monte, member of the Transport and Tourism Commission of the European Parliament. The initiative is sponsored by the Emilia-Romagna Regional Council and coordinated by Massimo Feruzzi, sole administrator of JFC and head researcher at the Skipass Panorama Turismo observatory.